Salve! I am just starting to use Emacs-Org-Mode and planning to use it for my GTD system. However I am not sure what files (file structure) to use. Until now, I made a directory for each project. In each project directory I have a text file called "plan". This is where I did my thinking and planing until now... but is is very limited and lacks the ability to get an overview/idea of the whole project. I used this structure because I knew where everything was. (.pdf and other files as well as text) Now that I discovered Org-Mode, I am thinking about the following methods: 1) Replacing the "plan" files in the project directorys with "" files. Still having one directory per project. 2) Having one "" file and a directory called "documents" (or something similar) where all the non-text-documents go. The projects.orgfile then links to the appropreate documents. Seperate higher goals file. - document handling can get confusing... - deleting / moving of documents could result in broken links - backing up / archiving done projects (AND their documents [maybe]) 3) Having one "" file and having a directory only for the projects for which I have non-text documents. And linking to thouse directories in the general "" file. - my favourite option until now - unsure how to handle the creation/deletion of directories and the links that go along... - an automated option would be ideal! - e.g. a "script" or something similar that makes sure that the project names (headlines with a :PROJECT: tag) at the same time link to that project if a directory exists in my "projects" directory. Please let me know what you think... any idea is welcome... comments on my ideas / other methods / mistures / etc Thank you for reading :) Greetings, Eraldo