Many thanks for the pointers, Ihor! The instructions were clear and concise, so the patch creation went smoothly. Results attached below. I cloned the Org repository from git:// and followed the instructions at I hope I succeeded for most part. ;-) `make compile` didn't complain at all, and `make test` ended with the following: ---------------------------- Begin Quote ----------------------------- Ran 1254 tests, 1238 results as expected, 4 unexpected, 12 skipped (2024-04-15 18:39:50+0200, 57.383197 sec) 2 expected failures 4 unexpected results: FAILED ob-calc/matrix-inversion ((should (equal "[[-1, 0.625, -0.125], [0.25, -0.5, 0.25], [0.5, 0.125, -0.125]]" (org-babel-execute-src-block))) :form (equal "[[-1, 0.625, -0.125], [0.25, -0.5, 0.25], [0.5, 0.125, -0.125]]" "[[-1, 625e-3, -125e-3], [250e-3, -500e-3, 250e-3], [500e-3, 125e-3, -125e-3]]") :value nil :explanation (arrays-of-different-length 63 77 "[[-1, 0.625, -0.125], [0.25, -0.5, 0.25], [0.5, 0.125, -0.125]]" "[[-1, 625e-3, -125e-3], [250e-3, -500e-3, 250e-3], [500e-3, 125e-3, -125e-3]]" first-mismatch-at 6)) FAILED test-ob-shell/bash-uses-assoc-arrays ((should (equal "two" (org-trim (org-babel-execute-src-block)))) :form (equal "two" "three") :value nil :explanation (arrays-of-different-length 3 5 "two" "three" first-mismatch-at 1)) FAILED test-ob-shell/bash-uses-assoc-arrays-with-lists ((should (equal "20 cm" (org-trim (org-babel-execute-src-block)))) :form (equal "20 cm" "50 dl") :value nil :explanation (array-elt 0 (different-atoms (50 "#x32" "?2") (53 "#x35" "?5")))) FAILED test-org-table/sort-lines ((should (equal "| a | x |\n| B | 4 |\n| c | 3 |\n" (org-test-with-temp-text "| a | x |\n| c | 3 |\n| B | 4 |\n" (org-table-sort-lines nil 97) (buffer-string)))) :form (equal "| a | x |\n| B | 4 |\n| c | 3 |\n" #("| B | 4 |\n| a | x |\n| c | 3 |\n" 0 9 (face org-table) 9 10 (face org-table-row) 10 19 (face org-table) 19 20 (face org-table-row) 20 29 (face org-table) 29 30 (face org-table-row))) :value nil :explanation (array-elt 2 (different-atoms (97 "#x61" "?a") (66 "#x42" "?B")))) 12 skipped results: SKIPPED org-missing-dependency/test-ob-R ((skip-unless nil) :form nil :value nil) SKIPPED org-missing-dependency/test-ob-clojure ((skip-unless nil) :form nil :value nil) SKIPPED org-missing-dependency/test-ob-haskell-ghci ((skip-unless nil) :form nil :value nil) SKIPPED org-missing-dependency/test-ob-julia ((skip-unless nil) :form nil :value nil) SKIPPED org-missing-dependency/test-ob-lua ((skip-unless nil) :form nil :value nil) SKIPPED org-missing-dependency/test-ob-maxima ((skip-unless nil) :form nil :value nil) SKIPPED org-missing-dependency/test-ob-octave ((skip-unless nil) :form nil :value nil) SKIPPED org-missing-dependency/test-ob-python ((skip-unless nil) :form nil :value nil) SKIPPED org-missing-dependency/test-ob-ruby ((skip-unless nil) :form nil :value nil) SKIPPED org-missing-dependency/test-ob-scheme ((skip-unless nil) :form nil :value nil) SKIPPED org-missing-dependency/test-org-attach-git ((skip-unless nil) :form nil :value nil) SKIPPED test-org-fold/org-fold-display-inline-images ((skip-unless (not noninteractive)) :form (not t) :value nil) make: *** [test] Error 1 ----------------------------- End Quote ------------------------------ At first glance, nothing seems to point into a direction suggesting that I had broken anything (i.e. nothing about any breakage relating to columnview)? Many thanks and looking forward to your thoughts, --alexander