Hi executing the the following code section in an org-mode file with C-c C-c #+BEGIN_SRC clojure :results value (* 3 5) #+END_SRC I get #+RESULTS: : nil15 instead of #+RESULTS: : 15 Trying the same with emacs-lisp instead of clojure the correct result appears. My versions: ;; org-mode 9.2.5 ;; Aquamacs 3.5 GNU Emacs ;; CIDER 0.21.0 (New York), nREPL 0.6.0 ;; Clojure 1.9.0, Java 11 Peter Hull, (using nrepl-toggle-message-logging) has figured out the following problem: In org-mode 9.1.9 the sent message looks like: (--> id "8" op "eval" session "a34917da-541a-4d4a-b790-af8e11020c96" time-stamp "2019-08-07 13:18:00.307045105" code "(* 1 2 3 4)" ns "org-babel-clojure.core" ) in 9.2.5 it's (--> id "18" op "eval" session "86281560-e467-47c4-869d-043b03f5c546" time-stamp "2019-08-07 12:23:33.769213028" code "(ns org-babel-clojure.core) (* 1 2 3 4)" ) In the latter we're sending two forms (ns ...) and (* ...) so we get two responses. Previously it sent only one and used the ns key in the message to set the message. I am not sure if this list ist the right place to post the problem. Johannes