Having seen the recent message by Ulf regarding an org-mode button, I thought I would do a little bit of work on my web site. Unfortunately, this has caused me a problem! It would appear that the handling of images in HTML export has changed sometime recently and does not match the documentation (12.5.5 Images in HTML export). Specifically, whether a link to an image file has a description or not is ignored and all my images are being inlined. Attached are a simple org file that illustrates the problem and the resulting HTML. I think I'm up to date with org, although the version number I get is a bit strange: : Org-mode version 7.01trans (release_6.36.718.g78ef) : GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.20.0) : of 2010-05-16 on raven, modified by Debian Any help greatly appreciated! Thanks, eric