Hello In order to check whether org-8 works under Xemacs-21.5.32 Mule (and not using my old org-7 setting), I did the following - I started xemacs -vanilla (equivalent to GNU emacs -q) - I loaded the following init file: ,---- | (push (expand-file-name "~/xemacs/site-lisp/packages/org-8.0.3/lisp/") load-path) | (push (expand-file-name "~/xemacs/site-lisp/packages/org-8.0.3/contrib/lisp/") load-path) | (push (expand-file-name "~/xemacs/site-lisp/packages/org-8.0.3/contrib/odt/etc/schema/") load-path) | | (require 'org-compat) | (require 'ox) | (require 'org-install) `---- I opened an org file. Observations - the file was in *fundamental* mode! - I turned on org-mode and received and error I attach. - I tried to use org-preview-latex-fragment and received a different error (also attached) - I tried to use org-submit-bug-report and received third error. Any comments? thanks Uwe Brauer