* This is a test :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: 123 :END: Of ANSI color sequences #+begin_src python for x in y: print(x + "this is a test") #+end_src : this is a td =testing= In paragraph a ~color sequence~ is here. This is a sequence that covers a block #+begin_example shouldn't be colored #+end_example there should be an end here there is the end. begin  sequence without end #+begin_src python 1 + 1 #+end_src #+begin_quote open  #+end_quote should not be highlighted #+begin_quote close  #+end_quote This is a paragraph src_python{return "testing"} {{{results(=testing=)}}} with multiple inline src_python{return 5*4} {{{results(=20=)}}} source blocks. An inline source block src_python{return 1+ 1 without an end. src_python{return "testing"}.