org-mode 4.75, emacs-snapshot (latest from debian sid) --[ 1. Problems with -batch ]-- Command $ emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs -eval '(org-batch-agenda-csv "t")' fails with Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-batch-agenda-csv) (org-batch-agenda-csv "t") eval((org-batch-agenda-csv "t")) command-line-1(("-l" "/home/rk/.emacs" "-eval" "(org-batch-agenda-csv \"t\")")) command-line() normal-top-level() It's look like problem with autoload (unfortunatelly I dont know how emacs works, so, maybe I wrong). Command $ emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs -eval '(load-library "org") (org-batch-agenda-csv "t")' returns nothing useful. And I don't know why :) Only command emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs -eval '(my-make-csv)' returns agenda in csv format. Maybe fix of this issue is a documentation fix - maybe I do something wrong :) --[ 2. Problems with koi8-r ]-- I use koi8-r for my org-file, its works well in most cases. But in csv I got junk instead koi8-r symbols. As far as I understand, html export works the same way, and in html I see html-entities instead koi8-r. In browser its look good, but not in terminal and perl. I tried to use utf-8, and fail too. Of course, I execute emacs in the same locale as my org-file. This issue is critical for me. --[ 3. Problems with , and "" ]-- As far as I know, strings in csv should be quoted, else there will be problems if string contains comma. Now I see than "head" field placed in csv without quotes. So, if I use comma in heading text, csv-parsing script fails. It is not problem for me because I do not use comma in heading text, but this is a bug. At other side, using types and quotation in csv output mean more complex parser for it. So, maybe better do not fix it by quotation adding. In MS Excel I can specify delimiter symbol for csv export, sometimes it very useful. I attach patch which implements this feature in org-mode. Changeable delimiter can be used as fix of "comma in heading" issue. Patch (oh, no, it's so small :( ;) ):