At Sun, 31 Oct 2010 15:09:48 -0400, Liam Healy wrote: > > With recent versions (since about version 7) of org-mode, I cannot > generate links in a non-org file when org-id-store-link is in > org-store-link-functions. Either I get an error "before first > headline" (makes no sense to me, since I'm not in an org file), or > emacs spins forever, saturating the CPU and doing nothing. If I leave > org-id-store-link out of org-store-link-functions, everything works > fine but of course I get no id link in org files. Is there a fix for > this? Which Org and Emacs version are you using? M-x org-version RET M-x emacs-version RET And can you provide a backtrace for this behavior? 1. reload Org mode so it runs on uncompiled files M-x org-reload RET 2. Toggle debug-on-quit and debug-on-error M-x toggle-debug-on-quite RET M-x toggle-debug-on-error RET 3. Try to reproduce the bug (if Emacs spins for ever, hit C-g) If you encounter the error or can stop Emacs from hanging (C-g), you get a buffer with the backtrace. Best, -- David -- OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6 Jabber.... Email.....