From mboxrd@z Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
From: Nick Dokos <>
Subject: Re: [RFC] Proposal for rebindings in Org 8.3
Date: Sun, 09 Feb 2014 17:48:42 -0500
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"Tim O'Callaghan" <> writes:

>> Rasmus <> writes:
>>> For me the following keys need shift or Alt-Gr: ^, ", `, !, ?, and
>>> ~.
>> Oh, do you really need the Alt-Gr key for `?' and `!' ?
>> Does that mean you don't use `C-c !' or that you rarely use it?
>> Of course, this may have nothing to do with the keybinding itself,
>> but I'm curious.
> If i can throw in my 2-cents, I have been using Alt-O or(Meta-O if you
> prefer) for a Ctrl-C, Ctrl-C substitute in org-mode for years. Now i
> use a combination of an activation key (Alt-O or f4) and a kind of
> fast-key mnemonic map. I need mnemonics because there is just too much
> in org-mode, and i prefer to just type an extra key rather than have
> to bend to hit a semi-random modifier + cryptic keymap entry.
> so:
> Alt+o,a => agenda,
> Alt+o,0 => capture -> inbox
> Alt+o,1 => agenda file 1
> ....
> Alt+o, A,h => agenda - home tag
> Alt+o,T,c => org table convert region
> Alt+o,T,C,b => org table convert buffer.
> ....
> Basically, two keys to most used personal functions. To save the
> pinkies, alt and shift are the only modifiers. alt for the activator,
> and shift to dig into a personalised sub-menu.  I tried binding to
> FNkeys, but i could not memorise them. the "ah" = at home comes
> naturally to me.
> I for one will follow this idea with interest.

I have a similar setup.

I use <f7> as a prefix key for many org operations (personal ones as
well as generic ones, mostly the less common ones but also a few of
the very common: e.g. I use <f7><f7> instead of `C-c a a').

One problem I had was that there are lots of things under that keymap
that I didn't use often enough to memorise, so I would end up looking in
my keydefs file to figure out where some operation was (and no, I can't
remember the names of the functions either...)

I recently found out that if after <f7> I press C-h, I get a description
of the keymap. That's probably well known in some circles, but I only
found out about it recently, reading the "Key Binding Conventions"
section in the elisp manual:

|    * Don't bind `C-h' following any prefix character (including `C-c').
|      If you don't bind `C-h', it is automatically available as a help
|      character for listing the subcommands of the prefix character.

That's *very* useful to me - if you don't know about it already, try it:
I think you'll find it very useful too!
