Hi, This series of patches adds support for specifying a latex program, i.e. {pdf,lua,xe}latex (plain latex is not in the list since we don't really target dvi output). You can add lines like #+latex_program: lualatex This is fairly useful as I typically is doing some weighting of the usefulness of microtype versus unicode-math in a document-to-document basis. You can drop certain packages in org-latex-{default-,}packages-alist depending on the selected program. E.g. you'd only want {input,font}enc with pdflatex. Likewise, you'd only want polyglossia when using {xe,lua}latex. This is supported by an optional fourth argument in the mentioned alists. It makes it easier (IMO) to write declarations for org-latex-pdf-process as you can simply specify %latex, which is then changed to the correct form (though there's some hackery in org-latex-compile). The patch-set drops "rubber" as it's not easy to configure a latex program on the go. There's also a %bibtex but it's not configurable on a file basis, though I could add it, if there's a demand for it. The "right" latex program is written to the file, optionally as a file-variable (AUCTeX and latex-mode; I could add texworks as well, if desirable). Perhaps the latex program and the creation date should be written on the same line? Suvayu tested a previous version of the patch-set, though I don't know for how long. Rasmus -- Don't panic!!!