Summary ------- I'm wondering whether it's a good idea to chnage the HTML exporter's handling of images: my specific proposal is to use tags instead of tags. Rationale ---------- I got data to plot and I wanted to use SVG, rather than PNG, in order to be able to resize the plots to fit whatever projection requirements I came up against. I use gnuplot which has a nice svg terminal that also includes some javascript functions that allow interactive manipulation of the plot (e.g. you can click on the label of a dataset in the legend of the plot to toggle its visibility - that's something I really want.) I found out that if I opened the SVG file in my browser, I could use the interactivity features that gnuplot provides, but if I visit the HTML page that includes all the plots, the interactivity was lost. Googling a bit, I found out about vs , changed the tags to tags and presto! interactivity! Example ------- Here is a simple example org file: --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- * Plots #+BEGIN_SRC gnuplot :var tbl=foo.tbl :results output :file foo.svg set terminal svg size 1024,512 dynamic mouse standalone set xrange [0:5] set xlabel "x" set yrange [0:*] set ylabel "y" set datafile missing " " plot tbl using 1:2 title "squares", '' using 1:3 title "cubes", '' using 1:4 title "fourth powers" #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC gnuplot :var tbl=foo.tbl :results output :file foo.png set terminal png size 1024,512 set xrange [0:5] set xlabel "x" set yrange [0:*] set ylabel "y" set datafile missing " " plot tbl using 1:2 title "squares", '' using 1:3 title "cubes", '' using 1:4 title "fourth powers" #+END_SRC ** data :noexport: #+name: foo.tbl | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | | 3 | 9 | 27 | 81 | | 4 | 16 | 64 | 256 | --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- Exporting this to HTML produces tags like this: ,---- |

foo.svg |

| | |

foo.png |

`---- I attach a patch[fn:1] that changes these to tags (the patch is proof-of-concept only, not meant for integration into org core - it'll need a fair amount of work before that happens, if it ever happens.) With the patch, the relevant output is changed to this: ,---- |


| | |


`---- I attach the HTML files for your amusement.[fn:2] Open questions -------------- Do I have this right? I'm neither an SVG nor an HTML expert. If there is another way to do what I want, please let me know. Do most browsers support tags? Do they do the right thing with images in tags? I tested this with Google Chrome (Version 31.0.1650.63) and Firefox (Version 25.0), both on Linux. I have not tested any other browsers on Linux and I have not tested *any* browsers on any other OSes. There are probably compatibility problems which would imply that any change in org mode would have to be made conditional on some global option (org-html-accommodate-obsolete-browsers perhaps :-) - default would be t to leave everything as it is currently i.e. tags.) BTW, I tried using at first, but Chrome did not handle it correctly in my testing, whereas it handles the form correctly. I did not try the first form with FF: there was no point. So, WDYT? Footnotes: [fn:1]