Hi, Attached is a patch that works reasonably well to allow :float nil "floats" to have captions in ox-latex. The hard part is src-blocks. At the moment we sometimes allow captions to register as figures (at least when when using verbatim). Instead we could go with "listing". Of course listing is not a known environment to LaTeX. We can add register it with newfloat in default-packages, or we can mention in the manual the lines that needs to be added to org-latex-packages if desired: \usepackage{newfloat} \DeclareFloatingEnvironment{listing} We could also unconditionally use captionof in case of verbatim output for src blocks, even if float is required, which would allow us to kill float.sty from default package alist. BTW: In the current code we uses \captionof{listing}{caption} with minted. This seems incompatible. But I have not really used minted so I don't know if I did the test correctly. minted has a [H] placement through it's listings environment, it seems, so I don't think we need captionof there. Aaron: I think you had something to do with this at some point, hence the Cc. WDYT? Rasmus Examples: #+caption: cap #+attr_latex: :float nil |a| ⇒ \begin{center} \captionof{table}{cap} \begin{tabular}{l} \toprule a\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{center} (Of course, this is from my normal Emacs session) #+caption: cap #+attr_latex: :float nil [[file:org.png]] ⇒ \begin{center} \includegraphics{org.png} \captionof{figure}{cap} \end{center} #+caption: test #+attr_latex: :float nil #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq org-latex-listings 'minted) #+END_SRC ⇒ [Note, latex is happy with this...] % \usepackage{minted} \begin{minted}[]{common-lisp} (setq org-latex-listings 'minted) \end{minted} \captionof{listing}{test} #+caption: test #+attr_latex: :float nil #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq org-latex-listings nil) #+END_SRC ⇒ [Note, here I think we should use listing instead of figure] \begin{verbatim} (setq org-latex-listings nil) \end{verbatim} \captionof{figure}{test} -- Don't panic!!!