(Jose E. Marchesi) writes: > Hi. > > I have been playing a bit with org babel, the goal being to be able to > query a recfile[1] and insert the result as a rec table. Thanks to the > superb design of org-babel and the existing examples, I quickly wrote > the attached little hack. > > The hack allows to query a rec file 'foo.rec' as follows: > > #+begin_src rec :data hackers.rec :fields Name,Email :type Hacker > Papers = 'requested' && CreatedAt << '01 January 2011' > #+end_src > Very cool! Now is the time when I ask, would you consider adding this to the Org-mode core, which requires filling out the FSF copyright assignment form? > > Where :data points to the recfile (or list of files), :fields is a > comma-separated list of fields (allowing subscripts) and :type selects > the record set where to make the query. :cmdline can also be used to > specify any other command line option to recsel. All parameters but > :data are optional. > > The selection expression can be any expression allowed by recsel in the > -e command line option. > > Of course you have to install the recutils for it to work. > > It roughly works and I want to add more functionality, but due to my > lack of experience with org-babel I would like to ask some questions > before continuing working on it. > > - Is there a way to execute empty code blocks? It would be quite common > to require all the records stored in a record set, e.g. > > #+begin_src rec :data inventory.rec > #+end_src > > C-cC-c in that block echoes "Local setup has been refreshed" and > nothing happens. A workaround would be to use a selection expression > that always evaluates to "true", such as: > With my attached version of ob-rec.el it is possible to have a mostly empty body as follows, however, currently `org-babel-get-src-block-info' *does* require that there be at least 1 character as well as a newline in the body. This could be changed, however I'd want to do some local testing before pushing up such a change, as I fear it may break existing code blocks. #+begin_src rec :data book.rec :fields Title,Author #+end_src #+results: | Title... | GNU Emacs Manual... > > #+begin_src rec :data inventory.rec > 1 > #+end_src > > but it would be nice to avoid it. > > - Is there a way to dinamically change the value of the :results > parameter in the org-babel-execute:rec function? I would like to add > a :template parameter containing a template for recfmt, and in that > case the default value "raw" would not be appropriate. > Please see my attached revision of ob-rec.el. I do not believe that the default value of raw is appropriate currently as Babel should know when the returned results are a table. I've slightly modified your existing code so that raw is no longer the default value, and so that tables are passed back as tables. Does this change subsume your format question? > Also, it sounds like there is currently only support for selecting records *from* a .rec file, do you plan on adding support for inserting records *into* a .rec file? Thanks for sharing! -- Eric