Hi! I'd like to include several files into an org-mode project that live outside the project tree. I tried to just symlink them into the appropriate place into my project, and thought that might suffice to get them published correctly, but that doesn't work out, as org-mode doesn't consider the symlink's name, but the "true" filename; for example, I have this: (setq org-publish-project-alist '(("homepage" :base-directory "~/homepage" :base-extension "org" :publishing-directory "~/public_html" ...) ...)) % ls -l ~/homepage/software/SPE.org lrwxrwxrwx 1 rotty rotty 26 Jul 14 15:01 /home/rotty/homepage/software/SPE.org -> /home/rotty/src/spe/README org-mode publishes this as ~/public_html/README.html, while I'd like it to use ~/public_html/software/SPE.html. After playing around with EDebug for a while, I've come up with the following horrible hack, which does what I want, but is nowhere near a general solution: