Eric Abrahamsen writes: > Eric Abrahamsen writes: > > A very quiet "bump", to see if anyone knows how to handle this... Clearly whining wasn't getting me anywhere, so here's a patch. I don't claim to understand all the ins and outs of orgtbl-to-generic, so this might not be complete, but at least it gets it working again. There were plain old errors in the existing code (undefined variables, etc), so this has to be an improvement, even if it's incomplete. So with this patch, calling `org-babel-execute-src-block' on the #+BEGIN_SRC line in the following: #+TBLNAME: terms | Chinese | English | |------------------+------------------------------------| | 音像制品出版 | A/V Publishing | #+NAME: insert-statements #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var terms=terms :wrap "SRC sqlite :db \"dbname.sqlite\"" (orgtbl-to-sqlinsert terms '(:sqlname "terms")) #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: insert-statements Produces this: #+RESULTS: insert-statements #+BEGIN_SRC sqlite :db "dbname.sqlite" BEGIN TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO terms( Chinese, English ) VALUES ( '音像制品出版' , 'A/V Publishing' ); COMMIT; #+END_SRC Hope all's in order. E