Hi, here is a little function, that creates the menu-structure file for Marco Pratesi's great phplayersmenu. Just thought I share it here. See http://phplayersmenu.sourceforge.net/demo.php for a demo. All the menus there are made from the same menu-structur files. To use it, have this here in my config: (setq org-publish-project-alist '( ("org-notes" ;; .... config omitted ... ;; ;;; Layersmenu ;;; :completion-function sr-org-notes-kb-complete :layers-menu-structure-file "~/develop/htdocs/intranet/navigations/org.txt" :layers-menu-link-target "mitte" ) NOTE: the function will not work stand-alone. You will have to use it as :completion-function. Here it is: