> * Conclusions > > As you can see, I did not really mean any concurrent execution. Simply being > able to execute parts of code in-situ, in the Org buffer, to document (and > test) what I'm writing. > > And to be able to assemble all the parts in one single script file, by the > means of literate programming. > I see, you want to be able to construct a large pipe chain STDOUT>STDIN, but you don't care if the parts of the chain (e.g., the code block) execute in serial or concurrently (as they do in the shell). The attached patch (can be applied with "git am") implements this behavior as I understand it. The result is a new :stdin header argument with which org-mode references can be passed to shell scripts as standard input. Given the technique used in this patch, I'll probably re-write part of ob-awk.el. The following Org-mode snippet demonstrates it's use, please let me know if this works for your use-case described above.