Hello, I would like to install the following patches on master. Basically, they consist of a full rewrite of all indentation related functions, with explicit rules in docstrings, comprehensive test suites, and backed-up by the parser. The following changes in `org-indent-line' are expected: 1. Indentation of the first line of an element should be, when applicable, relative to the /first line/ of the element before. Therefore, in the following example Some long paragraph with multiple line XAnother paragraph indenting line starting with "X" will align it with "Some", not "with". This is consistent with plain lists - A list with some long paragraph XAnother paragraph where last line should be indented like "-", not "long". 2. It should be possible to indent example block, verse block or export block contents, as `org-indent-line' usually happens on behalf of the user, who is assumed to know what he is doing. Though, this will not be the case in `org-indent-region', as changes could happen without the user knowing about it (e.g., when indenting a complete, mostly hidden, buffer). 3. It should be possible to indent fixed-width areas. `org-indent-region' also applies on hidden lines, with a few exceptions, as explained above. Also, it should be a lot faster when `org-src-tab-acts-natively' is non-nil, and complete without errors. It could be made faster, but the main bottleneck in this function is now `org-edit-src-code', which will need to be revamped at some point. Internally, `org-src-native-tab-command-maybe' is merged into `org-indent-line' since this should be a core feature, not something installed via a hook. WDYT? Regards, -- Nicolas Goaziou