Ilya Shlyakhter writes: > It would be good if the HTML exporter had an option to create a web > page with two frames: > in the top frame would be the original exported HTML, and in the > bottom frame would display > the targets of all external links in the org file. Within-orgfile > links would still be shown in the > top frame. Then, the org file could serve as an "index" for organizing > a variety of information, and > one could browse the org file in the top frame and quickly see the > targets of external links > in the bottom frame, without having to switch tabs or windows in the browser. > > There would be an option to have the index on the left, instead of on the top. Hi Ilya, here is a solution in JavaScript. Adjust the line #+STYLE: var targetFrame = "otherFrame"; You could even receive the targetFrame as URL-Parameter.