Aloha, I'm trying to setup Blorgit on my server, and I believe I am doing something wrong because I can't navigate pages the way I want in my web browser. I managed to setup Blorgit locally on my laptop and it is working just fine. The problem I have is when I want to deploy it to my server. On my server my main web server is nginx which forwards all requests for the /marko/research-notes/ location to port 8192, and Sinatra web server is listening on port 8192. I can see the index page load in my browser (but without CSS), and when I click on a link to another page nothing happens. I can see the http requests both in nginx's and Sinatra's log. I have Emacs running and I loaded the org-interaction.el file as instructed at: This is how I start the web server (when in /var/www/blorgit): ./ -sthin -p8192 I'd appreciate any help. Just tell me what information you need. Cheers, Marko --