Hello the list, Happy New Year to everybody! I have a dedicated server for a personal website and I wonder how it is possible to use texlive as most as possible into html webpages, in the same way that we export via org-mode. I would be glad for example to use the proof.sty package to import png images like in this email, to get for example the image of this formal derivation \[ \infer[^{L\lnot {\rm \mathit{def}}}]{\lnot \lnot P \Rightarrow P}{ \infer[^{L\lnot {\rm \mathit{def}}}]{\lnot P \supset \bot \Rightarrow P}{ \infer[^{L\supset\supset}]{(P \supset \bot) \supset \bot \Rightarrow P}{ \infer[^{{\rm \mathit{Ax_{c}}}}]{\bot \supset \bot, P \Rightarrow \bot, P}{} & \infer[^{L\bot}]{\bot \Rightarrow P}{} } } } \] in a html webpage easily. But I do not know how to do. The CMS that I am using is /not/ WordPress, but SPIP [[https://www.spip.net/en_rubrique25.html]] Help would be very welcome. Again, happy 2019 to everybody! -- Jo.