Urgency: Low A publishing project can define a preparation and a completion function to prepare and finalize the export. Currently both functions that can be supplied in `org-publish-project-alist' are called without any arguments. I'm currently trying to write exporter functions that create an atom or rss feed based on org files. To create /one/ feed for /multiple/ input files it is necessary to open and close the feed in a preparation and finalizing function. The :preparation-function should write the feed's header (xml declaration, information on the feed itself) and the finalizing function should close the xml. To achive this both functions have to "know" which output file they have to operate on. For me it seems best if both functions get the property list of the publishing project in question passed as argument. The urgency for this is low because my personal milestone is the basic function of publishing one feed for one input file. -- David -- OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6 Jabber.... dmjena@jabber.org Email..... maus.david@gmail.com