Hi, while trying to include a source file in a list element via #+INCLUDE, I discovered the following behavior: A comment between two list elements breaks the list into two lists when exporting. For example: * Test - This is a list element. # This isn't. - This is another list element. Becomes after exporting to .tex: .. \begin{itemize} \item This is a list element. \end{itemize} \begin{itemize} \item This is another list element. \end{itemize} .. I think it makes sense for comments to have no effect on this (i.e. it should behave the same during export as if it wasn't there), so I consider this a bug. This has the unfortunate side effect of no longer being able to include a source file using #+INCLUDE while preserving its indentation in the resulting PDF (as using #+BEGIN_SRC .. #+END_SRC would). Cheers, Daniel