Le ven. 09 mars 2018 à 08:16:22 , Simonyi András
<andras.simonyi@gmail.com> a envoyé ce message:
> Dear Joseph,
> I’m not familiar with scimax, but if it uses org-ref to handle
> citations then you might give a try to citeproc-orgref
> (https://github.com/andras-simonyi/citeproc-orgref) which is able to
> format BibTeX citations in html exports according to any CSL style
> (Chicago author-date is the default).
> best wishes,
> András

Dear Andras,

Many thanks for this help. I just succeeded this morning to install
citeproc and citeproc-orgref (I ignored the Emacs command
package-install-file, thanks to you, I know it now!). Of course, I’m
using org-ref that is the best program that I know to manage references
(again, many thanks to John Kitchin for this amazing tool).

I am going to test citeprog-ref soon and I will inform you.

We stay in touch,

Best wishes,
