Thanks for a very good explanation, now I understand and I have tested it successfully. Looks like it works perfectly well to me. The interactive function org-columns-new also works as expected. This is a very good addition and I think it can be useful in many different areas. It also opens for more advanced calculations in colview mode due to the extension of `org-columns-compile-map'. Personally I prefer using colview to tables for temporary views of dynamic and alive data (like my running exercise diary) and want to use it more then I do now. I have modified the patch with one missing parenthesis and a more extensive documentation string to the important variable `org-columns-format-compile-map' which I wrote most for my own recapitulation of the subject and understanding your patch. Also org-columns-new had a reference to free variable `funcs' and I changed it to `fun' (member of functions argument list) which I believe is the right one?, you have to check me on this. Two other references, probably older, to free variables I have also tried to fix by let binding them. Feel free to use it if you want. (Attached patch to this messages. Difference is against your misc-new-features branch pulled today.) As an ending parenthesis commenting column view in general: I see three small problems with org-colview that I (or someone else interested) should fix some day: 1. A annoying problem is not being able to have multiple columns summarizing the same property but with different operators. #+COLUMNS: %TIMESTAMP_IA{@min} %TIMESTAMP_IA{@max} This will result only in min calculations for both columns. I remember that I have looked at this before and think it is non trivial to fix because of the internal way data is collected and calculated. Almost a rewrite of this part is necessary. 2. Being able to use Emacs calc HMS forms (info "(Calc) HMS forms") for calculating and presenting time as I can to in the org-mode spreadsheet. I use this time format to manipulate my exercise data now days. Maybe this be added easily with the new `calc' slot in the `org-columns-compile-map' structure. 3. More intelligent handling of property values like automatic detection of times, dates or numbers to simplify the definitions and have only one 'max' summary option instead of now three (max, :max, @max). Cheers!