I'm attaching a new version of org-mime.el which incorporates Matt's function below. There are now two new functions, `org-mime-org-buffer' and `org-mime-org-subtree' each of which takes a format argument specifying the format of the final email, one of 'org, 'ascii, or 'html. So, for example the following will export the current subtree as ascii into an email body, using the MAIL_TO, MAIL_CC, and MAIL_BCC properties to build the email headers, and the headline to set the subject (both directly from Matt's function below). (defun org-mime-subtree-to-ascii () (interactive) (org-mime-org-subtree 'ascii)) Does this new version of org-mime look like it should be committed? Are there any features or changes that should be considered first? Cheers -- Eric