Hi everyone,

I'm pleased to be able to provide now the full reference of the paper Matthieu Delescluse, Romain Franconville, Sébastien Joucla, Tiffany Lieury and myself published in J Physiol (Paris). The editor, Elsevier, "froze" our accepted manuscript early September last year and it just got published! The full reference is: Matthieu Delescluse, Romain Franconville, Sébastien Joucla, Tiffany Lieury and Christophe Pouzat (2012) Making neurophysiological data analysis reproducible. Why and how? Journal of Physiology (Paris) 106 (3-4): 159-170.

You can get the BibTeX file together with Org versions of the paper's toy example (using Python and Octave or using Common Lisp and Gnuplot) from my brand new (Org designed) web site: http://xtof.disque.math.cnrs.fr/.
