Hi list, when I try to use the new exporter outside of an Org buffer, e.g. from a function or with M-:, it seems that there is a problem with the current buffer that is used for exporting - it is not the buffer of the Org file given as argument. I think the problem is here (line 2319 of org-export.el, function org-export-as): #+begin_src emacs-lisp (tree (let ((buf (or (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)) (current-buffer)))) #+end_src What I actually do to produce the backtrace above is a bit complicated, I eval a function of mine with M-:, which in turn calls: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (org-export-to-file 'e-html "/home/mydir/myfile.org") #+end_src When I do this with point in a different buffer, I get an error (see backtrace below). When I do it with point in myfile.org, the export actually works, but replaces the Org text in myfile.org with the exported html. When I do M-x org-e-html-export-to-html with point in myfile.org, everything works fine and myfile.html is produced.