Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote: >Hello list, >I wonder if there is a easy way to create a remember template that >will file the item inside another item specified at runtime. The >scenario is the following: I have a task that belongs to a project >(project is any item tagged a :PROJECT:), I want to capture it under >this item, so I would press C-c r and select a, let's say, NextAction >template. This would ask me for the topic, tags *and then* the project >it belongs to (would fetch the list from a specific org file, in my >case, Would that be difficult to implement? Has anyone out >there ever done something similar? If I want a new remember item to be filed as child of a project I either clock in the project before running `org-capture' and finish the capture process not with C-c C-c, but with C-u 2 C-c C-w this calls `org-refile' and files the new item as child of the item with the running clock. If I didn't clock but want the item to be filed under a specific project, I finish the capture process with C-c C-w (`org-refile') and select the appropriate location. What helps me here is, that I keep projects beneath a level 1 headline "Projects". HTH, -- David -- OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6 Jabber.... Email.....