At Mon, 15 Nov 2010 15:01:09 +0000, Paul Mead wrote: > > > This looks pretty interesting to me, but how would you change this so > that it used the whole heading text, not just one word? It's basically the same, only difference is finding the headline text and making the headline text link-safe: (defun dmj:turn-headline-into-org-mode-link () "Replace word at point by an Org mode link." (interactive) (when (org-at-heading-p) (let ((hl-text (nth 4 (org-heading-components)))) (unless (or (null hl-text) (org-string-match-p "^[ \t]*:[^:]+:$" hl-text)) (beginning-of-line) (search-forward hl-text (point-at-eol)) (replace-string hl-text (format "[[][%s]]" (org-link-escape hl-text) (org-link-escape hl-text '((?\] . "%5D") (?\[ . "%5B")))) nil (- (point) (length hl-text)) (point)))))) Best, -- David -- OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6 Jabber.... Email.....