Dear list, Attached is a patch that allows some customization of tables in LaTeX export. It adds three new customizable with default values: org-export-latex-tables-tstart : nil org-export-latex-tables-hline : "\\hline" org-export-latex-tables-tend : nil These variables allows users to use e.g. the booktabs package (use \\toprule, \\midrule and \\bottomrule for the respective variables above - these are options you'll find in the defcustoms too) and create more beautiful tables in LaTeX documents. The patch also fixes the double rule after the table head when using a longtable environment, as this 1) is ugly and 2) caused booktabs longtables to go quite awry. The patch does - save for the longtable fix - bring no change to the export of existing code as long as the defaults are not changed.