Hello, I am working on a paper which includes citations. Exporting to LaTeX and to ODT worked just fine. For my sins, I now have to incorporate changes made to the ODT version back into the org and I thought the best way was to compare text versions (I did try using pandoc on the ODT version to get an org version but too many differences). So, long story short, I try to export the original document to ascii and I get an error related to citations. Having seen some updates to exporting citations on the list over the past few weeks, I figured I should upgrade org to the latest version. Now exporting to LaTeX still works just fine but exporting to ascii still does not work (with the same error: see backtrace-ascii.txt attached) *and* exporting to ODT now no longer works (see backtrace-odt.txt). Any suggestions? I have not tried emacs -Q because that is non-trivial due to my configuration but will do so if nothing obvious jumps out to anybody. Thank you, eric -- : Eric S Fraga, with org release_9.6.8-771-gdf0539 in Emacs 30.0.50