I've added support for Octave and Matlab to org-babel. In addition to the normal org-babel setup[1], you'll need one or both of (require 'org-babel-octave) (require 'org-babel-matlab) and for matlab sessions you'll need matlab.el[2] (octave support is bundled with GNU emacs). I'd appreciate the help of octave/matlab users in sorting out the remaining issues with this (many of which will be due to my lack of octave/matlab knowledge). So please report back all the problems you find! I'm attaching an org file containing notes on the problems that I'm aware of. This will also (within a couple of hours) be available on Worg[3], and it would be great if others could contribute to that file. The intention is that file will turn into the language-specific documentation for org-babel octave/matlab. Dan Footnotes: [1] http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/intro.php#getting-started [2] http://sourceforge.net/projects/matlab-emacs/ [3] http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/org-babel-doc-octave-matlab.php