| Nombre | | Qual | Comment | | Jim Miller | | | % Some very long text: UB:23.06.2011 Wrong: instead of t use the third component of the vecto | | John Smith | | | Not much | |------------+---+------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| The wrap function does this | Nombre | | Qual | Comment | | Jim Miller | | | % Some very long text: UB:23.06.2011 Wrong: | | John Smith | | | instead of t use the third component of the vecto Not much | |------------+---+------+------------------------------------------------------------| Instead of | Nombre | | Qual | Comment | | Jim Miller | | | % Some very long text: UB:23.06.2011 Wrong: | | | | | instead of t use the third component of the vecto | | John Smith | | | Not much | |------------+---+------+---------------------------------------------------|