At Tue, 21 Feb 2012 17:05:38 +0530, Jambunathan K wrote: > > James Harkins writes: > > > "org-export-preprocess-string: Cannot open load file: org-nil" -- > > Try one or both of > > (require 'org-latex) > (require 'org-beamer) Thank you! OK... closer. Now, all looks reasonable until: (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/float/float.sty Package: float 2001/11/08 v1.3d Float enhancements (AL) \c@float@type=\count155 \float@exts=\toks43 \float@box=\box56 \@float@everytoks=\toks44 \@floatcapt=\box57 ) ! LaTeX Error: File `wrapfig.sty' not found. Type X to quit or to proceed, or enter new name. (Default extension: sty) Enter file name: ! Emergency stop. l.15 \usepackage {soul}^^M *** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes) Full log attached. Maybe I need to use bleeding edge LaTeX, not the (old) ubuntu 10.04 packages? hjh -- James Harkins /// dewdrop world "Come said the Muse, Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted, Sing me the universal." -- Whitman blog: audio clips: more audio: