I'm writing a document that is available in two formats, one a pdf file and the other a paper copy of it, and its been pointed out to me that some sentences don't seem to make sense in the paper copy. When I've looked at that particular sentence in the source document, an org-mode file, I see that the relevant section is actually an org-mode link. So what I'm looking for is something like a wavy underline under each of the org-mode links which will appear in both versions. But how do I do it please? It will need to be a generalised command, meaning that it can very easily be applied as there are 387 links to be adjusted! I've found that I can underline each org-mode link by putting '_' before and after each link, which is then exported to a latex file and built into the pdf and does work. But, I am already underlining each glossary entry in the main body of the text, so to differentiate I would like either a wavy underline, or a double underline. But how please? Thanks Sharon. -- A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk TGmeds = http://www.tgmeds.org.uk DrugFacts = https://www.drugfacts.org.uk Debian 9.0, fluxbox 1.3.5-2, emacs 25.1.1, org-mode 9.0.9