>>> "Tim" == Tim Cross writes: > Just a shot in the dark here ..... > You mentioned you used custom to modify the org-latex-classes > variable. Does the code in the custom 'block' of your init file have > beamer as one of the classes? No it does not and this turns out a problem, also I thought the ox-beamer code contains a add-to-list which should do add beamer, but it seems not to do it. > My suspicion is that when you added your exam class, for some > reason, beamer had not been loaded and was not yet in the variable > definition. When you edited it to add your exam class it has saved > a version without beamer as a class. > When you start emacs, with the new init and run order, the code >> (unless (assoc "beamer" org-latex-classes) >> (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes >> '("beamer" >> "\\documentclass[presentation]{beamer}" >> ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}") >> ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}") >> ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}")))) > is executed and beamer is added, but then your custom settings are > evaluated and the variable is reset with the version you added the exam > class to, which has no beamer entry, is used to reset the variable and > the beamer setting is lost. What you say makes send but this seems to defy the whole idea of custom! > I would start by deleting the org-latex-classes customization and try > adding it again to see if that fixes the problem. This is one reason I > rarely use customise - I prefer to have the code in my own init file so > that I can see exactly when everything is run. Thanks! I will do that and you are very right about custom, it is very convenient but buggier than I thought. Uwe