I upgraded this morning from an Emacs CVS build from Jan 28 or 19 to the pretest release, and noticed a regression or undocumented change with respect to org-after-todo-statistics-hook. I am using the org-mode which is included in the pretest distribution. I have a function based on the code in section 5.5 of the Org manual to close projects when their subtasks are complete. Now, if I have a headline which does not have a subtask counter in it and toggle one of its children to DONE, my org-after-todo-statistics-hook function gets called with n-done and n-not-done values of 0. The parent headline thus has its TODO status changed. I don't think it matters too much, as my code worked before, but my hook function is `org-summary-todo' from the following. The first case of the cond is being activated. (defun mde-org-entry-is-project-p () "Query whether the current headline is a project, returning non-`nil' if it is and `nil' otherwise." (member "PROJECT" (org-get-tags-at))) ;;; Taken from Org Mode manual chapter 5.5 (defun org-summary-todo (n-done n-not-done) "Switch entry to DONE when all subentries are done, to TODO otherwise." (let ((org-log-done nil) (org-log-states nil)) (cond ((and (or (org-entry-is-todo-p) (mde-org-entry-is-project-p)) (= n-not-done 0)) (org-todo (if (mde-org-entry-is-project-p) "FINISHED" "DONE"))) ;; Entry is a project that is marked done ((and (mde-org-entry-is-project-p) (not (org-entry-is-todo-p)) (org-get-todo-state) (> n-not-done 0)) (org-todo 'none)) ;; Entry is a task ((and (not (mde-org-entry-is-project-p)) (not (org-entry-is-todo-p)) (org-get-todo-state) (> n-not-done 0)) (org-todo (org-get-todo-sequence-head)))))) There is a small chance that the problem was actually introduced a bit earlier, perhaps since my Jan 20 build, but I think I would have noticed it after at least the Jan 28 build. I have CC'd bug-gnu-emacs to get this in as a bug report there as well. - Michael -- mouse, n: A device for pointing at the xterm in which you want to type. Confused by the strange files? I cryptographically sign my messages. For more information see .