Arne Freyberger wrote: >I would like to link to email messages that are held in IMAP folders either >locally or on the server. I've tried vm but realized that I would have to set >up a copy of my IMAP folder structure into the vm folder world in order for that >to work. I was about to investigate wanderlust, but realized what I really want >is a command line mechanism to launch an email reader at a specified message >within my IMAP folders. So far I have not found one that allows this. What I >am after is a way to put in a link to invoke a command like: > myemailclient -folder=myfolder > >I presently use thunderbird as my email client and it doesn't support this, I've >looked at several other linux email clients and they do not support this either. Wanderlust does: [[wl:%Inbox:user/clear@host:993!][<>]] >How do the org-mode users link to their IMAP mail? Doing the linking on two assumptions: - the most significant part of a link to a mail message is the message-id; no matter where it is, the message id identifies what I am referring to - messages have a distinct place: either there are in one of my inboxes, or there are in a local archive (transfered after 180 days) So I create a link pointing to the inbox: Either the default inbox or including server information. This link will be valid for 180 days, that is way enough to open recent links. In case the link is invalid because the message is moved to the local archive, I utilize namazu[1] and Wanderlust's capabilitiy of a "Search folder" that performs a search for a message in a namazu index. HTH -- David [1] -- OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6 Jabber.... Email.....