Eric Abrahamsen writes: Hi Eric, > I've got a few top-level user commands, related to org, that load at > startup. Specifically org-agenda and org-ido-switchb are bound to keys > that are available after emacs starts up. Before Org loads properly, > however, things like the agenda file list and the list of valid tags and > TODO keywords are unavailable. That makes it hard to boot emacs and go > directly into a call to `org-todo-list': the TODO keywords aren't loaded > yet. > > I've looked into this before but couldn't find a single function that > would "boot" my local data. `org-agenda-files' reads the file list, but > it doesn't actually parse the files and do all the setup routines. > > Is there a single-function entry point that I could put in my init > files, that would get me where I want to be? ie, in a state as though > `org-agenda' had already been called, though it hasn't yet? I call `org-agenda-list' in my `after-init-hook' but it is not "silent", that is, it displays the agenda list. Best, -- Daimrod/Greg