I’d like to use org-mode to create an academic poster like this one (random example found using Google): http://robjhyndman.com/images/PosterInterests_beamer-723x1023.png As the LaTeX target, I use beamerposter which is basically just a skin for Beamer: https://github.com/deselaers/latex-beamerposter https://www.ctan.org/pkg/beamerposter?lang=en Such a poster typically consists of two columns (or more when landscape format is used) and blocks stacked inside these columns. Sometimes, I also need something more fancy like a block in a column and more columns inside that block but that’s rare. What I would like to write in org is something like the following: #+BEGIN_SRC org #+BEAMER: \begin{columns} #+BEAMER: \begin{column}{0.48\columnwidth} * Introduction :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_ENV: block :END: This poster is about … * Design :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_ENV: block :END: To test A we did B. #+BEAMER: \end{column} #+BEAMER: \begin{column}{0.48\columnwidth} * Discussion :PROPERTIES: :BEAMER_ENV: block :END: Our ground-breaking results show … #+BEAMER: \end{column} #+BEAMER: \end{columns} #+END_SRC However, this doesn’t work for two reasons: 1.) Org mode ignores that I want blocks and instead uses frame environments. 2.) The closing \end{frame} macros are misplaced, e.g: #+BEGIN_SRC latex … \begin{frame}[label={sec:orgheadline3}]{Discussion} Our ground-breaking results show … \end{column} \end{columns} \end{frame} … #+END_SRC My question: What do I have to do in org to get the desired structure in Latex? This structure would be something like the following: #+BEGIN_SRC latex \begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.48\columnwidth} \begin{block}{Introduction} This poster is about \end{block} \begin{block}{Design} To test A we did B. \end{block} \end{column} … #+END_SRC Posters really are the only type of document that has consistently resisted being taken over by org-mode. So I would be great to have a solution for this. Titus