> Looks like it was introduced with: > > f5573e6a0 org-capture.el: Fix heading's level when inserting a > template "here" I believe the issue is due to `org-back-to-heading' moving point when calculating the heading level. The attached patch corrects the issue on my end. Tested by running: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :lexical t (dotimes (n 3) (let ((org-capture-templates `(( "e" "test" entry (file "/temp/null.org") ,(format "* %d" n) :immediate-finish t :no-save t)))) (goto-char (point-max)) (org-capture 0 "e"))) #+end_src With a buffer containing: * foo ** one *** two **** three *** four Which results in: * foo ** one *** two **** three *** four *** 0 *** 1 *** 2