Greetings. Please find two files attached to this message. 1. A patch implementing Processing programming language support in Babel. The commit message of the patch is the following: ******************************************************************** ob-processing.el: Support for Processing language in Babel * lisp/ob-processing.el: Necessary functions for implementing editing of Processing code blocks, viewing the resulting sketches in an external viewer, and HTML export of the sketches. Editing Processing blocks requires processing2-emacs mode. Viewing Processing blocks embedded in Org buffer in an external viewer also requires processing2-emacs. This viewing is bound to C-c C-v C-k and produces no results in Org buffer. HTML export of the results of a Processing block is also supported, assuming that the processing.js module is available: the sketch is then drawn by the browser when the HTML page is viewed. This drawing is implemented by embedding the Processing code in a script using the processing.js module. The user is responsible for making sure that processing.js is available in the correct location. Console output from a Processing block produced e.g. by println() is shown in the Processing compilation window when the code is executed in Org buffer, and in text area (console) of the browser when the code is embedded in HTML. ******************************************************************** 2. File, illustrating the use of Processing in Org. The HTML export of this file can be viewed at The sketches (figures) on the page will be re-initialised on page reload. I will be writing teaching material using a combination of Org and Processing, and may add features to Processing support if I find the need. All the best, Jarmo