#+title: ECM - src block read-only #+begin_src compilation -*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/Travail/VCS/Emacs/emacs-org-mode/" -*- Compilation started at Fri May 29 20:05:37 make -k targets Getting Help ============ make help - show brief help make targets - ditto make helpall - show extended help Build and Check =============== make - build Org ELisp and all documentation make all - ditto make compile - build Org ELisp files make single - build Org ELisp files, single Emacs per source make autoloads - create org-loaddefs.el to load Org in-place make test - build Org ELisp files and run test suite make vanilla - run Emacs with this Org-mode and no personal config make config - check main configuration make doc - build all documentation make info - build Info documentation Installation ============ make install - build and install Org Full documentation on Worg ========================== https://orgmode.org/worg/dev/org-build-system.html Compilation finished at Fri May 29 20:05:37 #+end_src