Hi, In worg's documentation of ob-maxima.el[fn:1], there are several bugs. 1. In the subsection `Inline Display of Maxima LaTeX Output', the results are missing. This is because the code block is named `solve-maxima', the same as in the section `Solver'. Export results in that output being put in the `Solver' section (I don't know if that should be considered a bug in Org). On the webpage, the errant output has been deleted. The correct output in both sections should be included. 2. In `3D Plots', the header arguments do not result in a link to a generated file being created on evaluation of the code block. I am unsure if this is a bug in Org, ob-maxima.el or ob-doc-maxima.org or what. On reading the description of the =:results graphics= header[fn:2], it looks like there is blame to go around. Related: in ob-doc-octave.org, the graphics example only includes a =:results file= header argument. The attached patch to ob-doc-maxima.org fixes only the documentation issues: 1. Present the correct output of code block `solve-maxima'. 2. Add the header argument `file' to the `3d-maxima' example to create a correct link and graphics file. 3. Rename the tex code block to `tex-maxima' and change the results type to =latex= to generate correct output. TIA, Leo Butler [fn:1] https://orgmode.org/worg//org-contrib/babel/languages/ob-doc-maxima.html [fn:2] (info "(org) Results of Evaluation")