Hello, I finally got myself an Android phone (and am loving it, especially with an "all you can eat" data plan :-). I have tried mobileorg for Android but it's obviously early days and it's actually not really what I want. However, I am very happy with the Google syncing provided by the phone, both for email and for the calendar. This has caused me to revisit the possibility of a smoother integration between Google's calendar and org-mode. First, I have created an awk script (yes, I'm dating myself: I do use awk in preference to perl et al.) which allows me to convert the iCal export from Google calendar to a sequence of org headlines (see attached). It's a preliminary version and seems to translate what I need: simple day and timed events, mostly those that I will tend to do on the phone as opposed to when I'm at my computer. I'm not trying for a comprehensive translation program here... but I'm putting it on the list in case anybody finds it useful. I use this script as follows: wget [address specified by google for my calendar] --> basic.ics awk -f ical2org.awk < basic.ics >> googlecalendar.org this appends any entries in my specific google calendar to the given org file. When I go the other way (creating an ics file from org), I import the org items into a different calendar on google. When entries have been synced, I typically delete the original entries placed in google to avoid them being downloaded over and over again [1]. * A feature request: time prompt for insert diary agenda function Anyway, my increased use of google's calendar, has highlighted a short-coming (?) of the agenda view (or more strictly speaking, the iCal exporter): entries in which the time of appointment, say, is on the headline but the date is on the following line, say, get converted to "day" events as opposed to day+time events. I.e. something like * 11am meeting with colleages <2010-06-30 Wed> does not get exported as a timed event. Obviously, the easy solution is to put the time in the date stamp. However, I like using the "insert diary" function in the agenda view for defining appointments and this doesn't allow the time to be specified other than in a headline. Would it be possible to enhance the insert diary function to prompt for a time (and while we're at it, tags as well)? Thanks, eric Footnotes: [1] it may be possible to use the unique ID for each event to avoid creating duplicates... something to look at in the future.