Hi, There are various export filters, but I’d like one that just does a complete, raw dump of the internal memory structure[*]. I could start with something like the HTML export and work backwards to output other tag names, but it seems like it should be possible to just dump the data structure. My brief couple-of-hours foray into this was unsuccessful. I ran aground in various places where I couldn’t really grok the structure well enough to deduce what to output. And possibly where my elisp coding skills are a little weak. Before I spend another few evenings poking it with a sharp stick, does anyone have some code that walks the data structure in a way that will make it easier? (Or has someone else, *gasp*, solved this exact problem? :-)) Be seeing you, norm [*] I have really good XML tools for querying, transforming, and otherwise manipulating the data. I want to start with as near to perfect fidelity as I can. I don’t have any short term plans to try to go the other way, but I might eventually. -- Norman Walsh | When we are tired, we are attacked by http://nwalsh.com/ | ideas we conquered long ago.--Nietzsche