On Fri, 3 Sep 2010 16:29:55 -0500, John Hendy wrote: > > [1 ] > [1.1 ] > Hi, > > > When I've used beamer in the past for, say, blocks I just use: > > \begin{block} > Here is some text for the block > \end{block} > > I was looking more closely at this today: > http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-beamer/tutorial.php > > Is there a comprehensive list of all the beamer_env options that can be > passed? For example since these work: > BEAMER_env: block > BEAMER_env: example > > I would have figured that this would also work: > BEAMER_env: alert > > However only an itemized item shows up... > > Also, example blocks are rendered with the block title: "Example (Heading > title)" and I'd rather just have "Heading title" -- is there a way to do > this? > > It'd be great to see all of the possible property values that can be passed > somewhere. Maybe something like the list at the bottom of the export options > page in the org manual where you have a nice long list of all possible > options in one place? If you are using direct beamer support within org, by having : #+startup: beamer in the preamble of your file, you can use the C-c C-b sequence at any heading to see all the possible options for that heading. This includes the example etc. blocks. Regarding the output produced by beamer for the example block, this has nothing to do with org: beamer has a number of different types of blocks from a simple block through to examples, proofs, quotes, definition etc. Pick the right kind for what you want. Also choose the beamer theme that fits your needs. > Lastly, is there an advantage to using properties if one doesn't anticipate > using column view? If not perhaps I'll stick with straight LaTeX code... Yes: being able to easily specify the type of block. And it's about hiding all the superfluous information, leaving only the text and structure visible!