Hello Guix! Neither on NixOS or in guix I've ever been able to export an org file to otd. The error was 'OpenDocument export failed: Buffer is read-only: #'. I've seen some report of this error on the web, like: - https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2018-05/msg00545.html - https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/issues/1482 but also on our IRC: - http://logs.guix.gnu.org/guix/2019-05-07.log - http://logs.guix.gnu.org/guix/2019-07-25.log but I was not able to find a fix for it. Today I checked the source and figured it out. The explanation, as written in the patch, is the following > Files inside the guix store are read only. "styles.xml" is copied from the > store (/share/emacs/26.3/etc/org/OrgOdtStyles.xml), so it's read only too. > ox-odt needs this file, so if it's not writable it will fail. This patch > adjust the permissions. So, this patches fixes the permissions on the file. I've two questions: 1. Is it fine to have a .patch, or should I add a phase where I fix the file? this seemed to be easier 2. If the same error happens for other programs, might it make sense to "fake" rw permissions in the store (by using a virtual fs or something) so that files are copied as rw, but files in the store are still ro? Thanks! Nicolò