Hello Org Mode people! This is my first bug-report :) I found a problem on org-odt-export-to-odt function. The export fails with 'OpenDocument export failed: Buffer is read-only: #'. The problem happens on ox-odt, when the file OrgOdtStyles.xml permissions are read-only (this is true especially for Guix and Nix where all the "store" is readonly). The file gets copied to /tmp/ob-*/ directory, and is then modified. However, the file is assumed to be read/write. When the file is not, the export fails. I've sent a one-line patch (simply change permissions to the newly-copied file): > (set-file-modes (concat org-odt-zip-dir "styles.xml") #o600) to guix-patches (here in CC, I'm also forwarding my original patch submission here), but I've been suggested to send the patch upstream. What do you think? I can submit a proper patch if needed (but feel free to patch it yourself) I want to thank everybody for how wonderful Org Mode is :) Nicolò